

客服熱線:88882888, 13906192326

“地鐵”杯無錫市第三屆英語翻譯比賽 決賽考卷及答案

瀏覽: 3762發(fā)布: 2010-11-29




買方應(yīng)在交貨日期前30 天,由中國銀行開出以賣方為受益人的與裝運(yùn)金額相同的不可撤銷的信用證。賣方須向開證行出具100 %發(fā)票金額即期匯票并附本合同第10 款所規(guī)定的裝運(yùn)單據(jù)。開證行收到上述匯票和裝運(yùn)單據(jù)即予以電匯支付

Translated version: The Buyer shall open an irrevocable letter of credit with the Bank of China, in favor of the Seller for the total value of shipment 30 days prior to the date of delivery. The credit shall be available against Seller’s draft at sight on the opening bank for 100 percent invoice value accompanied by shipping documents specified in Clause

合同任何一方不按時支付16. 3 條所述的費(fèi)用,即構(gòu)成違約。如果這種不支付給(合作經(jīng)營) 公司造成損失,違約方應(yīng)承擔(dān)賠償責(zé)任。如果這種不支付或延期支付使(合作經(jīng)營) 公司蒙受重大損失,即構(gòu)成嚴(yán)重違約,守約方有權(quán)終止(合作) 合同,并有權(quán)提出賠償損失的要求。

Translated version: Should either party hereto fail to pay on schedule the contribution referred to in Article 16.3, it will be deemed as having breached the Contract. Should the Company suffer damage due to the failure to make contribution; the breaching party will make compensation. Should the Company suffer serious damage due to the failure to make or the deferment in contribution, it will be deemed as materially breaching Contract. The other party shall have the right to terminate the contract and to claim damage on the breaching party.



Tetra Pak(利樂包裝) began in the early 1950s as one of the first packaging companies for liquid milk. Since then, it has become one of the world's largest suppliers of packaging systems for milk, fruit juices and drinks, and many other products.

In 1991, Tetra Pak expanded into liquid food processing equipment, plant engineering, and cheese manufacturing equipment. Today, it is an international company in the world able to provide integrated processing, packaging, and distribution line and plant solutions for liquid foods manufacturing.

Today, there are 58 marketing companies across the world, 53 packaging material plants including licensees, and 16 packaging machine assembly factories. The company has 20905 employees and achieved 2004 a net sales of EUR 7.525 billion. Tetra Pak products are sold in more than 165 markets. In 2004, the company produced 110.8 billion packages that delivered 60.6 billion liters of liquid food products to the consumers of the world.


    早在 20 世紀(jì) 50 年代,利樂是最先為液態(tài)牛奶提供包裝的公司之一。自此以后,它就成為世界上牛奶、果汁、飲料和許多其它產(chǎn)品包裝系統(tǒng)的大型供貨商之一。


    今天,利樂在全球共有 58 家銷售公司,包括許可廠在內(nèi)的53家包裝材料廠以及16家包裝機(jī)器裝配廠。公司擁有 20905名員工,而2004年度的凈銷售收入約為 75.25 億歐元。利樂的產(chǎn)品在超過 165 個市場上銷售。在 2004年,公司共生產(chǎn)了1108億件包裝,為全球消費(fèi)者提供了606億升的液態(tài)食品產(chǎn)品。


Mondeo(蒙迪歐) is a famous brand under the umbrella of Ford, aiming mainly at the middle and high-end users. Ever since its birth, it has reaped over 30 major international awards and won many titles such as “the Best Design, the Best Dyamics, and the Best Safety”. True to the German design style, it’s characterized by noble and elegant outlook, stable and exciting dynamics, and its interior fittings are worth more than the price. Thanks to all this, upon entering the Chinese market last year as an imported vehicle, it has won extensive market recognition. After certain approval formalities are settled, Mondeo will become the second Ford model to be made in China.









It was 10 years before that I bought the original phonorecord of 《A Six-guy Trip》at the campus flea market. Honestly speaking the moment I bought it, I knew nothing about what 《A Six-guy Trip》(friends) was, only the affectionate and shining smile of three boys and three girls on the cover, which aroused my unspeakable echo of being warm at heart. However it went really beyond my expectation that these six bright and cordial smiling faces kept a companion of my following decade since then.

In the none lengthy period of the past, I used to think of it as only a contemptuous TV soap show, But now I have a vivid and lingering picture in mind that people burst out laughers all night while watching the TV show of 《A Six-guy Trip》. There is no doubt that more and more people, especially the young like me, were hopelessly fractured and taken away by it and turned out to be the faithful audience to it. Since that time on, all talks with the friends were desperately stuck to the six odd guys, which had literally penetrated into our meetings. We got used to employing the such greetings as Ross, preferring Old-Guy like Coffee shop.

During the past 10 years, as I closed my eyelids, the exciting and vivid pictures occurred in my mind one after another like flowing water, so fresh as if they had happened yesterday. They, young and brilliant then, together with our growing up, have also been eaten away by ruthless passing days with wrinkles carved on their once shining faces. When seeing their non-existing young and vigorous faces, I feel as grieved as I look into the mirror at my non-bright face. But how I wish the friendship between them and me wouldn’t wither forever, and could accompany me in my life journey of one next decade, another next decade, and another next decade…And in all evenings of our life, all worries and dirt in life could be washed away by the cardinal and splendid laughers from the show of <<A Six-guy Trip>>.



Now Prohibition, whether as a proposal in England or a pretence in America, simply means that the man who has drunk less shall have one drink, and the man who has drunk more shall have all the drink. It means that the old gentleman shall be carried home in a cab drunker than ever; but that, in order to make it quite safe for him to drink to excess, the man who drives him shall be forbidden to drink even in moderation. That is what it means; that is all it means; that is all it ever will mean. It means that often in Islam; where the luxurious and advanced drink champagne, while the poor and fanatical drink water. It means that in modern America; where the wealthy are all at this moment sipping their cocktails, and discussing how much harder labors can be made to work if only they can be kept from festivity. This is what it means and all it means; and men are divided about it according to whether they believe in a certain transcendental concept called“justice”,expressed in a more mystical paradox as the equality of men. So long as you do not believe in justice, and so long as you are rich and really confident of remaining so, you can have Prohibition and be as drunk as you choose.




That such discretion can lead, and has led, to disparate treatment of offenders, to abuse of authority, and to numerous related inequities has not escaped notice and has been the subject of extensive commentary. The precise extent of injustice and the feasibility of reform remain

subjects of lively debate.




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關(guān)于舉辦2015年度 無錫市第八屆英語翻譯筆譯比賽的通知





關(guān)于舉辦無錫市第六屆“新支點(diǎn)杯” 英語翻譯比賽的通知














88882888, 13906192326
